2,23% €1,470
2,23% €1,470

Integrity Compliance Management System

Integrity Compliance Empowers Performance

In ELLAKTOR Group we build and maintain trust with each other and all our stakeholders. Whether we work in Construction, Concessions, Environment, Renewable Energy Sources, or Real Estate Development & Services, we all share the same values that drive our behavior and our actions.

ELLAKTOR has developed an Integrity Compliance Management System with a purpose to enrich its corporate culture and focus its efforts for the future. We have set specific priorities and objectives on ethics and compliance matters as part of the 2021-2023 Compliance Action Plan and in alignment with our corporate values.

We continue to expand and further advance our Integrity Compliance Management System as a means of realizing the above and achieving our integrity objectives.

ELLAKTOR Group holds an Attestation for following the guidelines of ISO 37301:2021 Compliance Management System.

Integrity Compliance Program

To successfully implement its Integrity Compliance Management System, ELLAKTOR has developed an Integrity Compliance Program which includes a series of Integrity Compliance Measures that are embedded in our day-to-day work to ensure that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations and that we make the right decision every day.

The Integrity Compliance Program encompasses all the available tools and resources to uphold a culture of Integrity, includes Integrity Compliance Measures (ICMs) and follows a high-level approach: 

Commit – Assess – Act – Monitor: Always Improve

Codes and Policies

The Codes and Policies are aligned with our core values and aim to be positive and ambitious, focusing on expected behaviors. These documents support the highest ethical standards and emphasize that our actions reflect our words. The Code of Ethics and the Business Partner’ Code of Conduct are accompanied by corresponding Integrity Policies & Procedures

Code of Ethics

The Code is a set of fundamental principles and rules that shape the framework of how we act and how we behave in everything that we do. It sets forth the ethical standards, responsibilities, and commitments on how we work, how interact with each other, how we collectively act as a good corporate citizen and how we build and maintain trust. The Company reviews the effectiveness of its Code of Ethics every two years.

Business Partner’s Code of Conduct

This Code explains what ELLAKTOR expects from you as a Business Partner with regards to business ethics, human rights, employee relations, health and safety, and other topics related to sustainable and responsible business practices

Anti-Corruption Policy

ELLAKTOR applies zero tolerance to Bribery and Corruption, complies with all applicable anti-corruption laws and conducts business transparently. We implement an Anti-Bribery Management System certified as following the ISO 37001 standard

Conflicts of Interest Policy

A conflict of interest occurs when personal interests interfere with ELLAKTOR’s business interests, such as when an employee is called to serve his or her own interests (financially or/and others) or the interests of a person (natural or legal) directly or indirectly associated thereto under a control relationship in a way that competes with the interests of ELLAKTOR.

These conflicts can be generated by our own activities or activities performed by our close family members. When faced with such situations, even if we are not sure, it is very important that we disclose these situations timely.

WhistleBlowing Policy

It is our individual and collective responsibility to ensure that each one of us is upholding the Code and no one is above it. While this is a primarily responsibility of every Employee of ELLAKTOR, raising a concern or reporting a potential issue of misconduct can be done by anyone.  Even if you are in a situation that something just “doesn’t feel right”, you should always report your concern.

Reports can be submitted in confidence, or completely anonymously.

All reports are treated confidentially and without any fear of any form of retaliation towards any person that in “good faith” raises a concern or reports a potential issue of misconduct.

Talk2Ellaktor offers multiple channels for raising concerns or/and reporting incidents, in a secure and easy to use manner:

  • Portal: Talk2Ellaktor
  • Phone: +30 210 818 5005 (Mon-Fri 10.00 – 15.00)
  • Email: compliance@ellaktor.com
  • Mail: Ellaktor Group,   Ermou St. 25, GR 145 64 Nea Kifissia, Athens – Lamia National Road, Olympic Village Interchange, Greece
