-0,45% €2,230
-0,45% €2,230


HELECTOR is one of the leading companies in Southeast Europe, with expertise in the fields of waste management and power generation. With vertically integrated operation, HELECTOR is active in the whole spectrum of the Design, Construction and Operation of modern waste treatment plants, in alternative fuel production and in biomass exploitation.

HELECTOR is one of the leading companies in Southeast Europe, with expertise in the fields of waste management and power generation. With vertically integrated operation, HELECTOR is active in the whole spectrum of the Design, Construction and Operation of modern waste treatment plants, in alternative fuel production and in biomass exploitation.

With implemented projects in 8 countries, HELECTOR is the only Greek company which owns and applies state-of-the-art technologies in the field. HELECTOR covers the whole spectrum of biological waste management through its German subsidiaries and participates with other European companies in modern Waste Management systems.

At the same time, ΗELECTOR has significant experience and know-how in the energy exploitation of biogas produced in landfills, having to demonstrate among its achievements, the Design, Construction and multi-year Operation of power plants, including the Biogas power plant in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plant (OEDA) of Ano Liossia, Fyli, which is one of the largest in the world, with an installed capacity of 24 MW.

In addition, HELECTOR participates and supports numerous recycling at source initiatives.

HELECTOR is one of the leading companies in Southeast Europe, with expertise in the fields of waste management and power generation. With vertically integrated operation, HELECTOR is active in the whole spectrum of the Design, Construction and Operation of modern waste treatment plants, in alternative fuel production and in biomass exploitation.


Το Ολοκληρωμένο Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Απορριμάτων στη Δυτική Μακεδονία που ταυτόχρονα αποτελεί το 1ο ΣΔΙΤ απορριμάτων.

The construction of the largest Waste Treatment Plant in Europe (Sofia, Bulgaria) with a capacity of 410,000 tons per year

16 Anaerobic Digestion Plants (Germany) with a capacity> 240.000 tons per year

The Mechanical Biological Treatment Plant of Larnaca, in Cyprus, which constitutes the world’s first large-scale optical separation project for the recovery of recyclable from mixed waste, with a capacity of 190,000 tons per year

The operation of the Mechanical Recycling and Composting Waste (EMAK) in Liosia with a capacity of 300,000 tons per year

3 Biogas Exploitation Power Plants with a capacity > 35 MWe

13 Waste Treatment Units (MEAs) with a total capacity of more than 2.2 million tons per year

The only Incinerator of toxic waste in Greece > 12.000 tons per year

2 Recycling Materials Sorting Centers (KDAY) with a total capacity of > 175,000 tons per year

The largest landfills in Greece and Cyprus with a capacity > 100 million m³


