HELECTOR is one of the leading companies in Southeast Europe, with expertise in the fields of waste management and power generation. With vertically integrated operation, HELECTOR is active in the whole spectrum of the Design, Construction and Operation of modern waste treatment plants, in alternative fuel production and in biomass exploitation.
HELECTOR is one of the leading companies in Southeast Europe, with expertise in the fields of waste management and power generation. With vertically integrated operation, HELECTOR is active in the whole spectrum of the Design, Construction and Operation of modern waste treatment plants, in alternative fuel production and in biomass exploitation.
With implemented projects in 8 countries, HELECTOR is the only Greek company which owns and applies state-of-the-art technologies in the field. HELECTOR covers the whole spectrum of biological waste management through its German subsidiaries and participates with other European companies in modern Waste Management systems.
At the same time, ΗELECTOR has significant experience and know-how in the energy exploitation of biogas produced in landfills, having to demonstrate among its achievements, the Design, Construction and multi-year Operation of power plants, including the Biogas power plant in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plant (OEDA) of Ano Liossia, Fyli, which is one of the largest in the world, with an installed capacity of 24 MW.
In addition, HELECTOR participates and supports numerous recycling at source initiatives.
HELECTOR is one of the leading companies in Southeast Europe, with expertise in the fields of waste management and power generation. With vertically integrated operation, HELECTOR is active in the whole spectrum of the Design, Construction and Operation of modern waste treatment plants, in alternative fuel production and in biomass exploitation.
Το Ολοκληρωμένο Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Απορριμάτων στη Δυτική Μακεδονία που ταυτόχρονα αποτελεί το 1ο ΣΔΙΤ απορριμάτων.
The construction of the largest Waste Treatment Plant in Europe (Sofia, Bulgaria) with a capacity of 410,000 tons per year
16 Anaerobic Digestion Plants (Germany) with a capacity> 240.000 tons per year
The Mechanical Biological Treatment Plant of Larnaca, in Cyprus, which constitutes the world’s first large-scale optical separation project for the recovery of recyclable from mixed waste, with a capacity of 190,000 tons per year
The operation of the Mechanical Recycling and Composting Waste (EMAK) in Liosia with a capacity of 300,000 tons per year
3 Biogas Exploitation Power Plants with a capacity > 35 MWe
13 Waste Treatment Units (MEAs) with a total capacity of more than 2.2 million tons per year
The only Incinerator of toxic waste in Greece > 12.000 tons per year
2 Recycling Materials Sorting Centers (KDAY) with a total capacity of > 175,000 tons per year
The largest landfills in Greece and Cyprus with a capacity > 100 million m³
Project: Waste Transfer Station in Elaionas Athens
Type: Waste Transfer
Location: Elaionas Athens
Waste Transfer Station in Elaionas Athens
The Waste Transfer Station in Elaionas Athens will serve the Municipality of Athens and neighboring municipalities. It consists of 3 parallel lines for the transfer of mixed waste with a capacity of 70 tn/h, one line for the shredding and transfer of bulky waste with a capacity of 20 tn/h and one line for the shredding and transfer of green waste with a capacity of 5 tn/h. To minimize environmental impacts, the above operations are carried out in a closed building which is served by three de-dusting and de-odorization networks of total capacity 155,000 m³/h. The transfer of mixed waste is done in closed containers and each mixed waste transfer line has a container exchange system of 4 containers’ capacity.
The building infrastructure is complemented by the Maintenance Workshop with 4 maintenance positions and 1 washing position, an Administration Building, an Electrical Substation and an Entrance Guardhouse. The Project also has a fuel supply station, 2 weighing bridges for garbage trucks, 1 weighing bridge for trucks carrying containers, a radiation detection system, tanks for collecting rainwater and liquid waste. In addition to the necessary electromechanical infrastructure, the Project has an extensive automation-SCADA system that will control its operations and waste transport vehicles.
The implementation of the project will contribute decisively to the reduction of operating costs, accelerate collection rates from the center and neighborhoods of Athens, improve the efficiency of the garbage truck fleet, reduce traffic load on roads and limit environmental impact.
Project: Rehabilitation of the OEDA of Western Attica and transitional waste management
Type: Under Construction
Location: Fyli, Greece
Design, construction of projects for the first phase of rehabilitation of the OEDA of Western Attica and transitional waste management
The Joint Venture under the name “JOINT VENTURE HELECTOR S.A. – W.A.T.T. S.A. – A’ PHASE OF REHABILITATION OF THE OEDA OF WESTERN ATTICA”, with the distinctive title “K/XIA A’ PHASE OF REHABILITATION OF OEDA OF WESTERN ATTICA” has undertaken from the Special Intergrade Association of the Prefecture of Attica (EDSNA) the execution of the project “Design, construction of projects for the first phase of rehabilitation of the OEDA of Western Attica and transitional waste management” under no. Cfi. E.D.S.N.A. 8375/05-07-2021 Contract.
Project description
The purpose of the project is the formation of a landfill disposal site in the Integrated Waste Management Facility (OEDA) of Fyli. In addition, associated works are being implemented to support the proper functioning of new cells, the stability of waste disposal prisms, the facilitation of the movement of garbage trucks and the decrease of environmental impact during burial and temporary restoration of slopes carried out in parallel with the development of the refuse collection repellent. The minimum capacity of new deposition cells is 4,000,000 m3.
The scope of the project is specifically the construction of a new waste disposal basin, the construction and supply of equipment for transitional management projects, the construction and supply of equipment for leachate and biogas treatment projects as well as the rehabilitation of sites in the OEDA that do not have final coverage. In addition, the JV provides services to the project promoter that include the daily operation of the new landfill and the transitional management works, support services with the provision of machinery and staff, for the smooth operation of the entire OEDA and the immediate response to emergencies, plus maintenance works of existing infrastructure related to fire protection, electric lighting, road marking, water supply, fencing, entrance gate, etc.
Project: Biomass plant Bernburg
Type: Facility is in operation
Location: Bernburg, Germany
Biomass plant Bernburg
The plant treats approx. 26,000 t/a digestate coming from a plug flow process in our Herhof bio boxes.
2 boxes are equipped with an automatic filling system, 4 boxes with wheel loader operation.
Compost is produced.
Project: Expansion and upgrade of the existing leachate treatment plant of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki Landfill (Mavrorachi Landfill)
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Mavrorachi, Thessaloniki
Leachate Τreatment Plant, Mavrorachi
Project Title: Expansion and upgrade of the existing leachate treatment plant of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki Landfill (Mavrorachi Landfill)
Contracting Authority: Regional Solid Waste Management Agencies of Central Macedonia
Contractor Scheme: HELECTOR S.A.
Type of contract: Contractual
Type of project: Design, construction, operation and maintenance
Contract value: 7.496.248,68 € (plus VAT 24%)
Tonnage / Installed Power / Other: Unit Capacity 400m3/d
Start year: 2022
End year: 2028
The scope of the project includes:
- The construction works for expanding and upgrading the existing facilities of leachate treatment of Mavrorachi landfill, for a total period of two (2) years, including the six-month trial period. More specifically:
- construction documents and any other necessary supplementary study and/or research,
- the construction of Civil Engineering works,
- the supply and installation of all electrical and mechanical equipment,
- commissioning and final testing.
- The service operation of the project for four (4) years with the option to apply up to four (4) additional years.
During construction works, modern equipment for leachate treatment will be installed, combining Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis methods. Upon works completion, the contractor will have full and sole responsibility for achieving the required standards in treated leachate and sludge, in accordance with the facility’s environmental permit.
Project: Leachate Τreatment Plant, Tagarades
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Tagarades, Thessaloniki
Leachate Τreatment Plant, Tagarades
Coming Soon
Project: Leachate Τreatment Plant, Liosia-Fyli
Type: Landfill and associated works
Location: Fili municipality - IWMF West Attica
Leachate Treatment Plants (LTP) of Ano Liosia and Fili Sanitary Landfills
The scope of the contracts “Construction of Landfill (SECTION II) in Western Attika” and “Construction of Phase A’ of 2nd Landfill in Western Attica, location Skalistiri in the Municipality of Fili ” included the design and construction of Leachate Treatment Plants (LTP) with a total final treatment capacity in reverse osmosis units of 600 cubic meters per day and were commissioned in October 2005 and June 2008 respectively.
In the main processes the plants include leachate pumping stations and aerated equalization tanks, reverse osmosis units to recover water suitable for irrigation and evaporation units to further recover water and significantly reduce the volume of concentrated leachate. The evaporation units are utilizing hot water from the cooling circuit of the nearby biogas engines.
The efficient operation of the plants by HELECTOR as a single leachate treatment plant of the Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) of Western Attica was carried out under relevant operation contracts and the plants continue to operate efficiently.
Project: Leachate Τreatment Plant, Pafos
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Pafos, Cyprus
Leachate Τreatment Plant, Pafos
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Pafos
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Pafos, Cyprus
Sanitary landfill, Pafos
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Tagarades
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Tagarades, Thessaloniki
Sanitary landfill, Tagarades
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Mavrorachi
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Mavroraxi, Thessaloniki
Sanitary landfill, Mavrorachi
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Fyli
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Fylis
Sanitary landfill, Fyli
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, A.Liosia
Type: Sanitary landfill, A.Liosia
Location: Ano Liosia
Sanitary landfill, A.Liosia
Coming Soon
Project: Sorting & Material Recovery unit Koropi
Type: Recycling Materials Sorting Centers
Location: Koropi, Greece
Sorting & Material Recovery unit Koropi
- Design & Construction of 2 Sorting & Material Recovery units in Fyli & Koropi Municipalities
- Capacity: 100.000 & 75.000 t/a respectively
- Industrial & packaged waste treatment
- Recovery of recyclable products (paper, cardboard, plastic, metals, RDF)
Project: Sorting & Material Recovery units Fyli
Type: Recycling Materials Sorting Centers
Location: Fyli
Sorting & Material Recovery units Fyli
- Design & Construction of 2 Sorting & Material Recovery units in Fyli & Koropi Municipalities
- Capacity: 100.000 & 75.000 t/a respectively
- Industrial & packaged waste treatment
- Recovery of recyclable products (paper, cardboard, plastic, metals, RDF)
Project: Western Macedonia Landfill Gas Power Plant
Type: Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Location: Kozani
Biomass Plant Kozani
Project title Kozani Landfill gas Utilisation
Awarding Authority Societe Anonyme of Waste Management of Western Macedonia
Project company Joint Venture HELECTOR S.A – THALIS ES S.A.
Project products Engineering, Construction & Operation of Lanfill gas power plant
Contract type Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Project type Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Capacity 1,26 MW
Project initiation 2021
Project completion 2043
The Western Macedonia Power Plant was built and is operated by the Joint Venture HELECTOR S.A – THALIS ES S.A. with participation of the two companies by 60% and 40% respectively. The plant has a licensed power of 1.26 MW and consists of one landfill gas engine DEUTZ TBG 620 V16 that utilizes the biogas produced by the landfill site located in Central Waste Management Facilities (KEOD) of Western Macedonia. The unit was commissioned in May 2022.
Project: Mavrorachi Landfill gas Utilisation
Type: Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Location: Mavrorachi, Thessaloniki
Biomass Plant Mavrorachi
Project title Mavrorachi Landfill gas Utilisation
Awarding Authority Regional Association of Solid Waste Management Agencies of Central Macedonia
Project company HELECTOR S.A
Project products Engineering, Construction & Operation of Lanfill gas power plant
Contract type Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Project type Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Capacity 3,52 MW
Project initiation 2020
Project completion 2041
Mavrorachi LFG Power Plant was constructed during 2017-2020 (including licensing and so on) and is operated 24/7/365 by highly specialized scientific and technical personnel of HELECTOR SA, since August 2020. The plant is located in Mavrorachi Landfill, in the greater area of Langadas Municipality of Thessaloniki. The landfill is operating since 2008 and municipal solid waste (MSW) from Thessaloniki is disposed daily.
There are three CHP units type Jenbacher JGC 416, with electrical output of 1,173 MW each and the corresponding permit is up to 3,52 MW power. The power plant is individually interconnected with HEDNO medium-voltage substation near Liti village. The landfill gas produced in the landfill cells is collected and transferred to the power plant, renewable electrical energy is generated, so -with LFG combustion- greenhouse gases emissions are avoided (specifically, methane CH4), significantly improving the quality of air. The Operation and Maintenance personnel are skillful with expertise on gas engines, supporting the local community in many aspects.
Project: Tagarades Landfill gas Utilisation
Type: Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy) - Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Location: Tagarades, Thessaloniki
Tagarades Landfill gas Utilisation
Project title Tagarades Landfill gas Utilisation
Awarding Authority Regional Association of Solid Waste Management Agencies of Central Macedonia
Project company HELECTOR S.A
Project products Engineering, Construction & Operation of Lanfill gas power plant
Contract type Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Project type Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Capacity 5,048 MW
Project initiation 2006
Project completion 2033
Tagarades LFG Power Plant was constructed during 2005-2006 and is operated 24/7/365 by highly specialized scientific and technical personnel of HELECTOR SA. The plant is located near Tagarades Landfill, in the east side of Thessaloniki, while the landfill is going through its after-care.
There are four CHP units type DEUTZ TBG 620 V16, with electrical output of 1,26 MW each and the corresponding permit is up to 5,048 MW power. The power plant is individually interconnected with HEDNO medium-voltage substation in Kato Scholari. The landfill gas produced in the landfill cells is collected and transferred to the power plant, renewable electrical energy is generated, so -with LFG combustion- greenhouse gases emissions are avoided (specifically, methane CH4), significantly improving the quality of air. The Operation and Maintenance personnel are skillful with expertise on gas engines, supporting the local community in many aspects.
Project: Sanitary landfill and Operation of the gas recovery facility and power generation system, Amman Jordan
Type: Biogas Exploitation Power Plants in Landfills
Location: Amman, Jordan
Sanitary landfill and Operation of the gas recovery facility and power generation system, Amman Jordan
- Project type: EPC & Operation
- Contract value: ~ € 20mn
- Design, build and restoration of the sanitary landfill and operation of the gas recovery facility and power generation system at the existing Ghabawi landfill, Amman – Jordan
- Project includes the restoration of the existing landfill cells, installation of biogas supply network, construction of a 6 MWe cogeneration plant and 2-year operation
HELECTOR holds 50% in the project
Project: Mechanical Recycling Facility of Ano Liosia (ΕΜΑ)
Type: Mixed waste treatment plants
Location: Fyli, Attica
Mechanical Recycling Facility of Ano Liosia (ΕΜΑ)
It is the only mechanical-biological waste treatment plant in Attica.
EMA is located in the Western Attica Integrated Waste Management Facility (OEDA) and is one of the largest waste treatment plants in Europe.
Its construction began in 1997 and was co-financed by the Community Support Framework.
It is one of the largest in Europe. It employs approximately 200 employees of various provinces and has a modern internal electronic system with which all machines and waste treatment phases are monitored online.
The notional capacity of EMAK is 1,200 tons/day and its daily production is as follows:
100-150 tons of compost type A, about 150 tons of SRF (solid waste recovered fuel), about 50 tons of recyclable materials (aluminum, iron, plastic and paper-cardboard) are recovered and about 500-600 tons of waste and other losses (moisture and gases) result.
The enclosure of the facility (buildings, road construction, humus making area, waste truck maneuvering and surrounding area) amounts to approximately 135,000 m2.
All waste processing is carried out within EMA buildings that are developed in stages, following as much as possible the morphology of the soil.
In August 2021, the new project for the Upgrade and Operation of the Mechanical Recycling Facility of Ano Liosia and its transformation into a “Green Factory”, began. The new contract concerns the annual management of 300,000 tons of municipal waste, of which 100,000 tons will be pre-sorted organic waste. Specifically, the Plant, after the completion of the modifications for its upgrade to a Green Factory (completion within 2023), will be able to process the following streams:
- Municipal Mixed/Residual Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
The MSW that will be received and treated by the Plant will be the mixed-residual, mixed municipal waste stored in the network of bins or in other temporary storage means, as provided by the municipal waste collection vehicles. The quantities to be processed will be up to 200,000 tons/year and will be treated on two (2) of three (3) identical processing lines in the Mechanical Sorting Department.
- Pre-sorted Bio-waste
It includes the reception and treatment – composting of pre-sorted Bio-waste which will be collected from the municipal separate collection networks (“brown bin”) and from the street markets. The quantity to be treated will be 60,000 tons/year.
- Green Waste-Pruning Waste, which is required for composting the biodegradable fraction of mixed- residual waste and pre-sorted Bio-waste. The quantity to be processed will be 40,000 tons/ year. In addition to the above, the Plant will accept additional green waste – pruning from 20,000 to 35,000 tons/ year which will be provided by the municipalities and managed at the Plant.
Project: MBT Plant Berlin
Type: Mixed waste treatment plants
Location: Berlin, Germany
MBT Plant in Berlin, Germany
- Capacity: 150.000 t/a
- Turnkey project
- Commenced operation mid 2007
- Operator is the local authority
Project: MBT Plant Trier
Type: Mixed waste treatment plants
Location: Trier, Germany
MBT Plant in Trier, Germany
- Capacity: 220.000 t/a
- Turnkey project
- Started operation mid 2007
- Operator is the local authority
Project: County Waste Management Centre Kaštijun
Type: Mixed waste management units
Location: County Waste Management Centre Kaštijun
County Waste Management Centre Kaštijun
PROJECT: | “Construction of County Waste Management Centre Kaštijun” County of Istria, Republic of Croatia, CCI No 2013HR161PR005’ |
Employer: Environmental protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
Contractor: HELECTOR SA in Consortium with GP KRK . HELECTOR SA acted as a Leader in the Consortium
Type of contract: This Works Contract included design, execution, Training of End User’s Staff and trial operation according to FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant & Design-Build (First Ed, 1999).
Type of project: Design and Construction
Total Contract Amount:€
Capacity: 90,000tn/year of mixed solid waste (MSW)
The Project includes:
MBT Plant for the treatment of mixed solid waste (MSW). The Plant consists of Reception bunker, Mechanical pre-treatment with a pre-shredder and fully automated loading system (reception crane), Biological (aerobic) treatment plant (Herhof biodrying boxes) and an automated loading/unloading system (process crane), Mechanical post treatment plant for the production of recyclables, Solid recovered fuel (SRF) and methanogenic fraction for disposal to the landfill bioreactor, Waste air treatment system and De dusting system, Auxiliary Buildings for storage, control rooms, rooms for electrical installations and Administrative building.
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The Plant has a capacity of 330m3/d (14m3/h) and has been designed and constructed to treat Sanitary-technological waste waters, Technological waste water from the MBT plant and Leachate from the landfill cells
Landfill cells. Construction of cell for the disposal of non-hazardous industrial waste with infrastructure, including a base sealing layer and a leachate collection system. The capacity of the cell is 265,000m3. Construction of cell for the disposal of methanogenic fraction of municipal waste with infrastructure, including a base sealing layer and a leachate collection system. The capacity of the cell is 261.734 m3
Project: Integrated system of solid waste treatment facilities of Sofia Municipality– Design and Construction of a Mechanical-Biological-Treatment (MBT) Plant for processing waste and production of Refuse Derived Fuel
Type: Mixed waste management units
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Waste Treatment Plant Sofia, (Bulgaria)
PROJECT: | Implementation of Phase II of the Project “Integrated system of solid waste treatment facilities of Sofia Municipality– Design and Construction of a Mechanical-Biological-Treatment (MBT) Plant for processing waste and production of Refuse Derived Fuel”
Employer: Municipality of Sofia, Bulgaria
Contractor: Consortium Aktor S.A. – Helector S.A.
Type of contract: F.I.D.I.C (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) based contract of type Design-Build (Yellow Book).
Type of project: Design, Build, Commissioning and Trial Operation.
Capacity: 410.000tn/year of municipal solid waste (MSW)
The Project includes design, construction, commissioning and trial run of “Plant for Mechanical Biological Treatment of Waste and Production of RDF-fuel” of capacity 410.000tonnes per year.
More specifically, the following process are performed in the MBT Plant:
Acceptance and pre-treatment of the incoming solid municipal waste.
Mechanical separation and sorting of recyclables materials.
Bio-drying of the waste.
Mechanical treatment of the bio-dried material for the separation of the recyclable fractions and production of RDF.
Biological composting of the organic fraction.
Mechanical treatment of compost for the production of compost-like output (CLO).
The infrastructural/auxiliary facilities of the Plant for MBT of waste include:
Dust and odor removal system consisting of bag filters, biofilters, scrubbers and stacks.
Wastewater water treatment plant.
RDF storage building.
CLO storage building.
Storage building for the separated recyclable materials.
Water supply and sewage networks.
Reduction and distribution substation 110/20 KV and transformers.
Water supply and sewage net works
Process water tank
Electronic weighbridge.
The entire process in the MBT Plant is managed by an automated data control and acquisition system (SCADA system
Project: Modernization And Expansion Of The System Management Of Municipal Solid Waste Of Chania Area (Greece)
Type: System Management Of Municipal Solid Waste
Location: Korakia , Chania Cap
Modernization And Expansion Of The System Management Of Municipal Solid Waste Of Chania Area (Greece) E.M.A.K CHANIA
Coming Soon
Project: Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility of Larnaca and Fammagusta Prefectures
Type: Mechanical separation for the recovery of recyclable products Aerobic treatment of the organic fractio for the production of CLO
Location: Larnaca, Cyprus
Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility of Larnaca and Fammagusta Prefectures
Project title | Design, Construction and Operation of the Integrated Waste Management Facility of the Larnaka – Famagusta Prefecture |
Awarding Authority | Municipal Body for Waste Management of Larnaka – Famagusta Prefectures |
Project company | JV HELECTOR S.A – ELLAKTOR S.A. – Cybarco Ltd |
Project products | Mechanical separation for the recovery of recyclable products Aerobic treatment of the organic fractio for the production of CLO |
Contract type | Design, Construction and Operation |
Capacity | 190.000 tons of mixed solid waste (treatment) 8.000 tons bulky waste 16.000 tons green municipal waste |
The Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility of Larnaca and Fammagusta in Cyprus was the first modern solid waste management Project in Cyprus. It was designed and constructed to meet the relevant regulations and guidance of EU. At the beginning, the facility covered the waste production of the Larnaca and Fammagusta districts while from 2018 and on receives the waste of the Nicosia District as well thus covering half of the waste production of the Republic of Cyprus.
The facility commenced operation in April 2010 with the reception of Municipal Solid Waste, Municipal Bulky Waste as well as Green Waste. Helector SA exclusively designed the facility while the Joint Venture Ellaktor-Helector-Cybarco constructed and operates the Project.
The treatment facility consists of the departments of Reception, Mechanical Separation, Fast Aerobic Composting/Curing/Refinery with the target to recover recyclable material (mixed paper, cardboard, film PE, PET bottles, HDPE/PP-Fe-Al packaging) with the extensive use of automatic units with optical sorting and the aerobic biodegradation of the organic fraction in closed, fully controlled, bioreactors. The facility consists of all the necessary dedusting and deodorizing units as well as a wastewater treatment plant including reverse osmosis for the minimization of the environmental impacts from its operation. The facility includes a Residue Sanitary Landfill for the residues that closes the loop of the waste management.
Project: Sterilization of Purely Infectious Hazardous Waste (PIHW), Storage of Hazardous Mixed Waste (HMW) and of Other Hazardous Waste (OHW)
Type: Hazardous Medical Waste Management – Final disposal Unit
Location: 2nd Industrial Area of Volos, Tel: +30 24250 22722, +30 24250 22922, Fax: +30 24250 22727, E-mail: info@sterilization.gr
Sterilization of Purely Infectious Hazardous Waste (PIHW), Storage of Hazardous Mixed Waste (HMW) and of Other Hazardous Waste (OHW)
“APOSTEIROSI AE” has constructed and operates the Medical and Other Waste Treatment Center with Sterilization, located in the 2nd Industrial Area of Volos, providing a comprehensive and environmentally sound solution for managing of Medical Waste for the entire country. In addition, as a specially licensed company for the transportation of Hazardous Waste, it has organized a fully functional network for the collection and transportation of waste, covering a large part of mainland Greece.
The mechanical equipment used for the sterilization of waste originates from the French construction company ECODAS and is one of the most modern and recognized worldwide, properly certified according to the applicable legislation. At the same time, the company’s personnel consist of the most specialized executives in the field of waste management and in combination with the excellent fleet of transportation, our company takes care of the fast and safe management of Medical Waste for the country’s medical units.
Now in the middle of its second decade of operation and already established as one of the most reliable forces in the field, as well as an integral part of the country’s healthcare system, “APOSTEIROSI AE” continues to invest in the latest technologies and equipment, while constantly improving its services, in order to meet the continually increasing demands of its customers.
Project: 1. Medical Waste Incineration Plant
2. Apotefrotiras S.A.
Type: Hazardous Medical Waste management
Location: Attica, Greece, Tel.: +30 210 5577664-5, E-mail: info@apotefrotiras.gr, Fax: +30 210 5596463
Apotefrotiras - Hospital waste Incinerator in Athens
HELECTOR is the leader in the field of Hazardous Medical Waste Management (HMWM), as it has constructed and operates since 2002, the only Medical Waste Incineration Plant (MWIP) in Greece, located in the Sanitary Landfill area in Ano Liossia. The owner of the project is the Special Inter-Collective Association of the Prefecture of Attica (EDSNA).
The plant at Ano Liossia is the first and the only licensed incineration facility for hospital waste currently in operation in Greece. Applying the latest technology and the best available techniques, the plant successfully receives and manages 4,000 tons of waste per year, from 1,800 medical unit points around Greece (hospitals, clinics, clinical laboratories, doctors’ private practice, dental clinics, veterinary clinics and pharmaceutical warehouses).
The highly trained personnel are ready to respond to the most demanding projects, such as the management of highly infectious waste, as well as all types of toxic waste.
The facility has a daily capacity of 30 tons, 2 independent incineration lines, temporary storage cooling chambers, internal wastewater management, a radiation control gate and a continuous monitoring system of exhaust gases. The 24-hour operation of the incineration plant ensures the lawful destruction of all collected waste within a short period and the provision of the necessary documents, such as full destruction certificates from the disposal facility within a few days.
Incineration is a treatment process that achieves:
- Complete Destruction of waste at temperatures above 1100 ºC.
- Complete destruction of infectious and toxic nature of the waste.
- Complete destruction of the commercial value of drug waste.
- Radioactivity control.
- Integrated waste management.
- 70% volume reduction.
- Principle of proximity.
It should be stressed that the main objective of the employees and management of the plant is to protect public health and the environment by promoting transparency and sustainability.
It is noted that, since August 2022, the concession contract of EDSNA’s Medical Waste Incineration Plant was signed and its operation for the next 23 years has been undertaken by EPALTHEA SA in which HELECTOR participates with 60%.
Project: Ano Liosia Landfill gas Utilisation
Type: Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Location: Ano Liossia-Fyli, Attica, Greece, Τel.: +30 210 8184700, Fax: +30 210 8184701
Ano Liosia Landfill Gas Power Plant (BEAL S.A.)
Project title Ano Liosia Landfill gas Utilisation
Awarding Authority Waste Management Association of Attica
Project company BEAL S.A (HELECTOR – EDL)
Project products Engineering, Construction & Operation of Lanfill gas power plant
Contract type Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Project type Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Capacity 24,22 MW
Project initiation 2001
Project completion 2038
The company BEAL SA is a joint venture of HELECTOR SA. with the Australian company Energy Developments Ltd with each participating in the share capital by 50%. The power plant was implemented in two phases. The first phase (Station I) was implemented in 2001 and consists of 11 DEUTZ TBG620 V16 landfill gas engines with electrical power 1.26 MW each, while the second phase (Station II) started its operation in 2006 consisting of 4 landfill gas engines INNIO Jenbacher JGC620, 2.7 MW each. The total licensed production capacity amounts to 24.22 MW. The plant utilizes up to 15,000 m3/h of landfill gas produced by the landfill cells of OEDA West Attica in which the company has deployed a vertical suction as well as a horizontal transferal network to the Station. The annual electricity production amounts up to 180,000 MWh depending on landfill gas availability. In this way, the emission up to 800,000 tons of CO2 annually is avoided, making a significant contribution to the environmental footprint of the national target. At the same time, 4.5 MWth of the rejected Station’s II thermal energy are used to fuel the evaporators of the adjacent Leachate Treatment Plant further preventing the consumption of significant amounts of fossil fuels, while part of the of Station’s I thermal energy is used for district heating of the internal building needs.
The operation of the Station as well as the construction and tuning of relevant landfill networks is done exclusively by HELECTOR’s SA personnel.
Project: Integrated Waste Management System Project, Region of Western Macedonia
Type: Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT)
Location: Western Macedonia, Greece
Integrated Waste Management Project in the Region of Western Macedonia
Project title | Design, Financing, Construction, Maitenance and Operation of the Integrated Waste Management Facilities of Western Macedonia Prefecture through PPP Contract |
Awarding Authority | DIADYMA SA |
Project company | EPADYM S.A. (100% HELECTOR) – Concessionaire EDADYM S.A. (100% HELECTOR) – Operation & Maintenance Contract HELECTOR S.A.- Construction Contract |
Project products | Mechanical separation for the recovery of recyclable products Aerobic treatment of the organic fractio for the production of CLO |
Contract type | PPP Contract (Desing, Construction, Financing, Operation) |
Capacity | 120.000 |
Project initiation | 10/6/2015 |
Project completion | 10/6/2042 |
The waste management project of the Region of Western Macedonia was implemented by companies 100% subsidiaries of HELECTOR SA. The contractor of the Partnership Agreement is the specific purpose company EPADYM which signed the relevant agreement on 10/06/2015. The project was constructed by HELECTOR over a period of 2 year. The project commenced operation on 10/06/2017 and the operator is the company EDADYM. During operation, the project receives all the municipal solid wastes of the Region of Western Macedonia and in some cases municipal waste from other regions, which face problems with their waste management. The maximum processing capacity is 120,000 tons per year. The project produces 7 types of recyclable materials, Type-A compost and residues, thus achieving the binding targets of the contract, i.e. minimization of the residue destined for landfill to a percentage of less than 36%, diversion of the biodegradable fraction from landfill in a percentage of more than 80% and recovery of recyclable materials in a percentage of more than 35% relative to the incoming recyclables. The project includes 10 Transfer Stations, 1 Solid Waste Treatment Plant, 1 Waste Water Treatment Plant and a Sanitary Landfill for residues, providing thus the Region of Western Macedonia with significant opportunities to utilize the infrastructure in a variety of ways beyond conventional ones such as receiving and processing of different materials (materials from Sorting at Source) or the production of different products (e.g., secondary fuels)
Mr. Aristides Xenofos has more than 25 years of professional experience in fund management markets and financial sector, having served as top executive in a number of Asset Management Companies in Greece and Central & SE Europe and in entities of Institutional nature, as well as an executive member in numerous committees in top private Greek Banks in Greece and abroad.
In particular, he served as Deputy General Manager at Alpha Asset MFMC (Greece), CEO at Eurobank Asset MFMC (Greece), Chairman at Eurobank FMC (Luxembourg) SA, Chairman at EFG Eurobank MFMC SAI SA (Romania) and CEO at HFSF, contributing decisively in the development of institutional asset management in respective markets and enhancing trust in the banking sector.
Mr. Xenofos has also served as Chairman at the Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association (HFAMA) and member of the Board at Directors of Athens Stock Exchange.
Mr. Xenofos holds Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Economics with Honors from Athens University of Economics and a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Economics from London School of Economics and Political Science.
Mr. Nikolaos Stathakis has a long experience, in Greece and abroad, in the fields of technical - construction project management, strategic development and real estate management, renewable energy projects, etc. Among others, Mr. Stathakis has been appointed Project Development Manager at HINES HELLAS. He has also been Business Development Manager of Techniki Olympiaki Group, where he worked for more than 20 years, with main area of responsibility the investment and development activities of the Group. He was also member of the Board of Directors for 6 years. Mr. N. Stathakis holds a Master of Science in "Construction Engineering and Management" from M.I.T. and Civil Engineering Degree from the National Technical University of Athens.
George Skouteropoulos is an HELECTOR executive for more than 10 years having the role of Finance Manager while, since March 2016, he is the Cypriot Operations Director of HELECTOR. He has been elected as member of HELECTOR Board of Directors since March 2016.
George Skouteropoulos is a graduate of University of Piraeus, faculty of Financial Banking and Management, while he holds a postgraduate degree from University of York.
Civil Engineer, graduate of the National Technical University of Athens.
1988 – 1992: Technical Director of major infrastructure projects of AKTOR SA
Civil Engineer, graduate of the National Technical University of Athens.
1992 – June 2013: Member of the Board of AKTOR SA (1992 Deputy CEO and 1994 CEO)
1999 – today: ELLAKTOR SA- From 1996 to 2018 he had participation in subsidiaries of ELLAKTOR SA. as President and CEO (ATTICA TOLLWAY, MOREAS, HELECTOR, ATTIKES DIADROMES, etc.)
Konstantinos Toumpouros was born in 1978. He studied Civil Engineering (BSc and MSc) with specialization in Hydraulics Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and works as civil engineer since then. He has worked, among others, as Vice President and Board member of Ergonomia SA and as President and CEO of Ergometria SA. He is currently President and CEO of the construction and property management company Temco SA.
George Firfilionis is an Environmental & Waste Management Consultant, with 20 years of professional experience in the Sector of Environmental and Waste Management Projects .
He is the Executive Secretary of the Federation of Recycling and Energy Recovery Industries & Enterprises (SEPAN). He has been engaged, among others, as a consultant in the development and operation of the Waste Management Registry (HMA) for the Ministry of Energy.
He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) and a Master of Science (MSc) in Chemistry from the National and Kapodistrian Univercity of Athens.
Project: Waste Transfer Station in Elaionas Athens
Type: Waste Transfer
Location: Elaionas Athens
Waste Transfer Station in Elaionas Athens
The Waste Transfer Station in Elaionas Athens will serve the Municipality of Athens and neighboring municipalities. It consists of 3 parallel lines for the transfer of mixed waste with a capacity of 70 tn/h, one line for the shredding and transfer of bulky waste with a capacity of 20 tn/h and one line for the shredding and transfer of green waste with a capacity of 5 tn/h. To minimize environmental impacts, the above operations are carried out in a closed building which is served by three de-dusting and de-odorization networks of total capacity 155,000 m³/h. The transfer of mixed waste is done in closed containers and each mixed waste transfer line has a container exchange system of 4 containers’ capacity.
The building infrastructure is complemented by the Maintenance Workshop with 4 maintenance positions and 1 washing position, an Administration Building, an Electrical Substation and an Entrance Guardhouse. The Project also has a fuel supply station, 2 weighing bridges for garbage trucks, 1 weighing bridge for trucks carrying containers, a radiation detection system, tanks for collecting rainwater and liquid waste. In addition to the necessary electromechanical infrastructure, the Project has an extensive automation-SCADA system that will control its operations and waste transport vehicles.
The implementation of the project will contribute decisively to the reduction of operating costs, accelerate collection rates from the center and neighborhoods of Athens, improve the efficiency of the garbage truck fleet, reduce traffic load on roads and limit environmental impact.
Project: Rehabilitation of the OEDA of Western Attica and transitional waste management
Type: Under Construction
Location: Fyli, Greece
Design, construction of projects for the first phase of rehabilitation of the OEDA of Western Attica and transitional waste management
The Joint Venture under the name “JOINT VENTURE HELECTOR S.A. – W.A.T.T. S.A. – A’ PHASE OF REHABILITATION OF THE OEDA OF WESTERN ATTICA”, with the distinctive title “K/XIA A’ PHASE OF REHABILITATION OF OEDA OF WESTERN ATTICA” has undertaken from the Special Intergrade Association of the Prefecture of Attica (EDSNA) the execution of the project “Design, construction of projects for the first phase of rehabilitation of the OEDA of Western Attica and transitional waste management” under no. Cfi. E.D.S.N.A. 8375/05-07-2021 Contract.
Project description
The purpose of the project is the formation of a landfill disposal site in the Integrated Waste Management Facility (OEDA) of Fyli. In addition, associated works are being implemented to support the proper functioning of new cells, the stability of waste disposal prisms, the facilitation of the movement of garbage trucks and the decrease of environmental impact during burial and temporary restoration of slopes carried out in parallel with the development of the refuse collection repellent. The minimum capacity of new deposition cells is 4,000,000 m3.
The scope of the project is specifically the construction of a new waste disposal basin, the construction and supply of equipment for transitional management projects, the construction and supply of equipment for leachate and biogas treatment projects as well as the rehabilitation of sites in the OEDA that do not have final coverage. In addition, the JV provides services to the project promoter that include the daily operation of the new landfill and the transitional management works, support services with the provision of machinery and staff, for the smooth operation of the entire OEDA and the immediate response to emergencies, plus maintenance works of existing infrastructure related to fire protection, electric lighting, road marking, water supply, fencing, entrance gate, etc.
Project: Biomass plant Bernburg
Type: Facility is in operation
Location: Bernburg, Germany
Biomass plant Bernburg
The plant treats approx. 26,000 t/a digestate coming from a plug flow process in our Herhof bio boxes.
2 boxes are equipped with an automatic filling system, 4 boxes with wheel loader operation.
Compost is produced.
Project: Expansion and upgrade of the existing leachate treatment plant of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki Landfill (Mavrorachi Landfill)
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Mavrorachi, Thessaloniki
Leachate Τreatment Plant, Mavrorachi
Project Title: Expansion and upgrade of the existing leachate treatment plant of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki Landfill (Mavrorachi Landfill)
Contracting Authority: Regional Solid Waste Management Agencies of Central Macedonia
Contractor Scheme: HELECTOR S.A.
Type of contract: Contractual
Type of project: Design, construction, operation and maintenance
Contract value: 7.496.248,68 € (plus VAT 24%)
Tonnage / Installed Power / Other: Unit Capacity 400m3/d
Start year: 2022
End year: 2028
The scope of the project includes:
- The construction works for expanding and upgrading the existing facilities of leachate treatment of Mavrorachi landfill, for a total period of two (2) years, including the six-month trial period. More specifically:
- construction documents and any other necessary supplementary study and/or research,
- the construction of Civil Engineering works,
- the supply and installation of all electrical and mechanical equipment,
- commissioning and final testing.
- The service operation of the project for four (4) years with the option to apply up to four (4) additional years.
During construction works, modern equipment for leachate treatment will be installed, combining Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis methods. Upon works completion, the contractor will have full and sole responsibility for achieving the required standards in treated leachate and sludge, in accordance with the facility’s environmental permit.
Project: Leachate Τreatment Plant, Tagarades
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Tagarades, Thessaloniki
Leachate Τreatment Plant, Tagarades
Coming Soon
Project: Leachate Τreatment Plant, Liosia-Fyli
Type: Landfill and associated works
Location: Fili municipality – IWMF West Attica
Leachate Treatment Plants (LTP) of Ano Liosia and Fili Sanitary Landfills
The scope of the contracts “Construction of Landfill (SECTION II) in Western Attika” and “Construction of Phase A’ of 2nd Landfill in Western Attica, location Skalistiri in the Municipality of Fili ” included the design and construction of Leachate Treatment Plants (LTP) with a total final treatment capacity in reverse osmosis units of 600 cubic meters per day and were commissioned in October 2005 and June 2008 respectively.
In the main processes the plants include leachate pumping stations and aerated equalization tanks, reverse osmosis units to recover water suitable for irrigation and evaporation units to further recover water and significantly reduce the volume of concentrated leachate. The evaporation units are utilizing hot water from the cooling circuit of the nearby biogas engines.
The efficient operation of the plants by HELECTOR as a single leachate treatment plant of the Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) of Western Attica was carried out under relevant operation contracts and the plants continue to operate efficiently.
Project: Leachate Τreatment Plant, Pafos
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Pafos, Cyprus
Leachate Τreatment Plant, Pafos
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Pafos
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Pafos, Cyprus
Sanitary landfill, Pafos
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Tagarades
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Tagarades, Thessaloniki
Sanitary landfill, Tagarades
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Mavrorachi
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Mavroraxi, Thessaloniki
Sanitary landfill, Mavrorachi
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, Fyli
Type: Construction And Restoration Of Sanitary Landfills
Location: Fylis
Sanitary landfill, Fyli
Coming Soon
Project: Sanitary landfill, A.Liosia
Type: Sanitary landfill, A.Liosia
Location: Ano Liosia
Sanitary landfill, A.Liosia
Coming Soon
Project: Sorting & Material Recovery unit Koropi
Type: Recycling Materials Sorting Centers
Location: Koropi, Greece
Sorting & Material Recovery unit Koropi
- Design & Construction of 2 Sorting & Material Recovery units in Fyli & Koropi Municipalities
- Capacity: 100.000 & 75.000 t/a respectively
- Industrial & packaged waste treatment
- Recovery of recyclable products (paper, cardboard, plastic, metals, RDF)
Project: Sorting & Material Recovery units Fyli
Type: Recycling Materials Sorting Centers
Location: Fyli
Sorting & Material Recovery units Fyli
- Design & Construction of 2 Sorting & Material Recovery units in Fyli & Koropi Municipalities
- Capacity: 100.000 & 75.000 t/a respectively
- Industrial & packaged waste treatment
- Recovery of recyclable products (paper, cardboard, plastic, metals, RDF)
Project: Western Macedonia Landfill Gas Power Plant
Type: Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Location: Kozani
Biomass Plant Kozani
Project title Kozani Landfill gas Utilisation
Awarding Authority Societe Anonyme of Waste Management of Western Macedonia
Project company Joint Venture HELECTOR S.A – THALIS ES S.A.
Project products Engineering, Construction & Operation of Lanfill gas power plant
Contract type Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Project type Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Capacity 1,26 MW
Project initiation 2021
Project completion 2043
The Western Macedonia Power Plant was built and is operated by the Joint Venture HELECTOR S.A – THALIS ES S.A. with participation of the two companies by 60% and 40% respectively. The plant has a licensed power of 1.26 MW and consists of one landfill gas engine DEUTZ TBG 620 V16 that utilizes the biogas produced by the landfill site located in Central Waste Management Facilities (KEOD) of Western Macedonia. The unit was commissioned in May 2022.
Project: Mavrorachi Landfill gas Utilisation
Type: Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Location: Mavrorachi, Thessaloniki
Biomass Plant Mavrorachi
Project title Mavrorachi Landfill gas Utilisation
Awarding Authority Regional Association of Solid Waste Management Agencies of Central Macedonia
Project company HELECTOR S.A
Project products Engineering, Construction & Operation of Lanfill gas power plant
Contract type Concession Agreement with exclusive rights of landfill gas utilisation
Project type Renewable Energy Project (Landfill gas to energy)
Capacity 3,52 MW
Project initiation 2020
Project completion 2041
Mavrorachi LFG Power Plant was constructed during 2017-2020 (including licensing and so on) and is operated 24/7/365 by highly specialized scientific and technical personnel of HELECTOR SA, since August 2020. The plant is located in Mavrorachi Landfill, in the greater area of Langadas Municipality of Thessaloniki. The landfill is operating since 2008 and municipal solid waste (MSW) from Thessaloniki is disposed daily.
There are three CHP units type Jenbacher JGC 416, with electrical output of 1,173 MW each and the corresponding permit is up to 3,52 MW power. The power plant is individually interconnected with HEDNO medium-voltage substation near Liti village. The landfill gas produced in the landfill cells is collected and transferred to the power plant, renewable electrical energy is generated, so -with LFG combustion- greenhouse gases emissions are avoided (specifically, methane CH4), significantly improving the quality of air. The Operation and Maintenance personnel are skillful with expertise on gas engines, supporting the local community in many aspects.
Nature – our model
The challenges of our time are the piles of waste and the fact that fossil energy resources will run irreversibly low within the next years. We develop the efficient technologies to fulfil these challenges adequately.
Our example in the process is taken from nature because nature knows no waste. Nothing has no value, everything is part of a cycle. Even what we throw away as being useless: “wastes” are high quality raw materials for energy production. And since every one of us generates new wastes day after day, we consider them as renewable energy source.
HELECTOR´s advanced technologies make it possible to recover recyclables or to produce compost and clean environmental friendly secondary fuels out of waste.
Aerobic Waste Treatment
The volume of residual waste is organically reduced through dewatering. At the end, the water content lies distinctly below 15 percent, which significantly improves the mechanical separability of the material. This distinguishes Herhof’s Stabilat® process from all other conventional treatment techniques. Reusable material is separated during the process and can be sold as a genuine high-quality raw material and returned into the material cycle. The remaining organic waste fraction is pressed into hygienic, nearly odour-free energy resources known as pellets.
- Processing
Extraneous matter and harmful substances are removed from the waste and the latter is then shredded to a maximum grain size of 250 mm and then transported via a fully-automatic crane system into the Herhof bio box.
- Stabilisation
In the Herhof bio box, the waste is dewatered through biological means. This is the vital step to the subsequent pure source separated break down of the waste mixture into reusable material and energy as well as for the storability of the fuel generated.
- Inert separation
This means the removal of the mineral fraction (stones, glass, ceramics) and the metals, separated into ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Anaerobic Waste Treatment – Biogas process
Steps of the process:
Process sequences are represented in diagram format in the flowchart below. The essential elements of the process are dry fermentation for fermentation of solid organic substances by batch and continuous fermentation in the process water reservoir through nutrient movement in the process water reservoir circuit.
The steps of the process are further described in our video clip of the plant in Heppenheim
- Substrate preparation
Preparation of substrates if necessary (e.g. pulverization, mixing etc. depending on the substrates)
- Placing the substrates
Placing the substrates in the empty dry fermenter
- Pre-aeration
Optional pre-aeration in the closed dry fermenter to increase the temperature
- Anaerobic processing
Anaerobic processing by means of percolation with process water
- Post-aeration
Expulsion of biogases, aerification of digestate, odour removal
Optional aerobic post-processing to reduce water content
- Removal
Removal of digestate
- Post-treatment
Post-treatment of fermentation residue (e.g. hygienisation in Herhof boxes or maturation, screening etc. depending on the application)
Wet fermentation
The wet fermentation technology widely used up to this point, which was designed essentially for fermentation of liquid manure, reaches the limits imposed by the process at DS (dry substance) contents greater than 15%. The reason for this is essentially that the substrate is increasingly difficult to agitate and pump. In addition the wear out of aggregates increases with higher dry substances. By contrast, there is no upper limit for DS content in dry fermentation based on our process. The substrate and fermentation residue are brought in and removed in solid, stackable form. Our plants consist of two main plant sections in which organic substances are simultaneously converted into biogas, dry fermenters and a process water tank. There is in addition a delivery area and a part of the plant designed for use of the biogas that is produced (for example a combined heat and power unit (CHP) or gas supply) as well as further plant sections.
Dry fermentation
Moisture content | Percolate
Dry fermentation also requires a moist environment for fermentation. In our process, this environment is created and maintained by controlled sprinkling of the substrate in dry fermenters with conditioned process water, which is guided through a circuit.
Continuous supply of the biogas utilisation
In order to supply continuously the CHP or gas cleaning/feeding system with sufficient biogas, multiple dry fermenters must be operated in parallel but staggered in time.
Effective biogas production
The dry fermenters as well as the process water tank conduct to the biogas production. The intensive percolation rate and the high-volume of the process water tank are the effective regulation items of the biogas production. With the help of these items the bacteria and the needed energy is brought into the substrate in the beginning of the process. Hence the hydrolysis is strated.
Development of a system
Further levelling is achieved by biogas production which occurs continuously in the process water reservoir. For minimizing the emissions and to optimizing the usage of the produced biogas we have developed a system, which secures the collection and treatment of the weak gas in the end of each fermentation cycle.
The advantages of dry fermentation compared to wet fermentation may be summarized as follows:
- Significantly lower water requirement and no mashing necessary
- Lower process energy requirement (no mixing mechanism necessary)
- Less material wear due to fewer movable machine parts
- Less susceptibility to detrimental substances and overacidification
- Usually lower sulphur content in the gas, which has a positive effect on the service life of the CHP Smaller digesters due to higher energy contents of the substrates that are used
- Synergy in the use of agricultural equipment (e.g. wheel loaders, tractors, mixing carriages, manure spreaders, etc.)
- Simpler (stackable) storage of fermentation residue.
- Our process offers the following advantages compared to other dry fermentation processes:
- Control and measurement system for every single fermenter
- Weak gas management system
- Optimum biogas yield with short delay time
- Less investment costs (no mixing of substrates needed) Minimum internal electrical and thermal energy need (no heating of dry fermenters, weak gas management system, no excess water and no mixing of substrates required
- Homogeneous percolation and optimised process conditions through percolation and high-volume process water tankLow methane emissions and homogeneous aerification of fermentation residue pile with special aeration system
- Low methane emissions and homogeneous aerification of fermentation residue pile with special aeration system
- Low variations in gas production through simultaneous production of biogas in process water tan
Waste To Energy
Generating energy from waste and residues
By the term waste to energy, we mean recycling of energy from waste and residual material. Household and industrial waste as well as biomass is suitable for the process.
The new EC guideline 1999/31/EC was already put into national law in Germany in June 2005. This made the subject waste to energy become more important. Ever since then, only pre-processed waste such as residual material from waste incineration or from waste fermentation can be disposed of permanently in landfill sites. For communities and business establishments which produce huge quantities of waste, the need to look for alternative possibilities of disposal created a big challenge.
From Energy recovery from waste …
… there are now a few thermal processes for waste treatment. They all have the aim of extracting energy from residual material. The quality however depends on the respective flexibility and energy efficiency.
With the Herhof Stabilat® …
… we produce a storable substitute fuel that can be used in a flexible manner both temporally and spatially. Always and anywhere where energy is needed.
Separation and sorting technology
Apart from the concept and implementation of a complete system for the processing of household waste, we offer you tailor-made systems for waste separation and sorting.
This area of operations combines conveyor and shredding systems; separation units according to the specific weight of the materials; screening systems; ferrous and non-ferrous metal separators; inert material processing (separation of metals, very ferrous and non-ferrous fractions as well as extraneous materials such as batteries or electronic scrap, for example).
Based on your specifications, we will combine the individual units in order to achieve the best separation and sorting results for you.