1,85% €1,538
1,85% €1,538

Law 3556/2007

The following files are linked below:

1. Announcement of Share Capital Amount and Voting Rights 23-08-2021
2. Law 3556/2007 Notification Requirements
3. Notification Form TR – 1 on changes in voting rights that are attached to shares (para. 1 and 4 of article 9 of Law 3556/2007) and for Financial Instruments (article 11 of Law 3556/2007)
4. Notification Form TR – 2 which is submitted by the Market Makers to the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (article 8 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission’s Decision No. 1/434/3.7.2007)

All the above have already been posted on the Hellenic Capital Market Commission website: www.hcmc.gr.
For any further clarifications regarding the above, please contact the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, as well as the Investor Relations Department of the Company (Tel. +30 210 8185078)

Law 3556/2007

(As amended and applicable by Law 4374/2016)
